best fan of psy mama2015 bigbang

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10m 36s w sekundach

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5656 ocena w skali 1-5


do: best fan of psy mama2015 bigbang
  • Taeyang was pretty down all along but after a talk with TOP he started to enjoy himself again .TOP hyung's words are the answer to every problems haha - zdanie od Carra Loriel
  • Taeyang is not having it lel - zdanie od Joanna Duque (Duquezaah)
  • GD looks so pretty that I can hardly breath when I see him. Omg. His face was beautiful that MAMA's. - zdanie od Natalie Mathers
  • ジヨンかっこいい、髪の毛とか😳 - zdanie od えこ
  • = = 天啊 发哥求合照是什么鬼 - zdanie od 注目礼
  • seungri pretty cheerful boy. i like him. - zdanie od sonya spii
  • T.O.P just looks like the guy in a nightclub who really wanna dance but doesn't know how, so just shaking his head xDDD that's why I love him, he's so cute xD - zdanie od Brody echelon
  • Oh gosh TOP xDDD - zdanie od Brody echelon
  • Ok but what up with taeyangs hair? - zdanie od Taehyung's trash
  • a true YG family never leave its member! kudos!!! - zdanie od shadowshy castillon
  • no wonder GD here is so inspired. dara came along for a disney tour with GDs gang! - zdanie od shadowshy castillon
  • Omg! I love BB so much - zdanie od oanh nguyễn
  • Let's talk about GD playing with his braid... - zdanie od Ward Moukaddem
  • our little panda was stopping himself from doing the full dance at the chorus - zdanie od Emily Bengtson
  • WHO THAT GUY THAT TOOK PIC WITH THEM AROUND 2:00 bc he looks like a Chinese actor that I know of wtf - zdanie od YunTing Lai
  • ชอบ - zdanie od ฐิติพร เพ็งทองหลาง
  • YG artists are Family - zdanie od AYOUB YG Stan
  • I need GD's snap chat account sooo badly 💔 - zdanie od iAmel S.
  • Daesung dances like my grandmother - zdanie od elliot377
  • 周润发 很棒👍👍👍👍素质很高 很有修养👍👍韩国其他艺人都走了 只有他来陪着bigbang - zdanie od 김향미

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