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Film przedstawiający naszą pracę hodowlaną z miotem elkhundów szarych - hodowla zarejestrowana w ZKwP - Pride of North. .
- Czy hodowla jest zkwp fci?
Więcej na stronie znajdziecie
pierścionki dla mnie ciekawe.
- To jestt angielski czy jakiś tam ale nie napewno polka too jest XDD
- Beautiful litter..
- Lihat aja bakal gua balas
- machalah
- Why are these humans pulling puppies out of mom dog?, taking sac off? Wiping puppies off? Stop it stop it, plz. I want to watch mom dog. 🐕.
- First wear glubs for this type of work
- helal olsun süper...
- Cok gü,zel hayva nlar
- Très belle petite famille que c’est mignon 💖💖👍👍
- I know that video is old but omg people! Really really good work! Your pups just know every situations and they know how to behave :D
- Which dog breed?????
- Amigos
- Co to za rasa?
- what race are they?
- Norwegian Elkhounds are the greatest!
I met my little buddy the day he was born; the breeder knew he would be something special even then.
He came to live with me and his great-great-grandmother, who had been with me since her retirement from shows, when he was age four months.
The older dog passed last year due to multiple health problems.
Dash is now just a bit over four years. He knows how to work a crowd and makes friends everywhere he goes. He is welcome at the bank, the pharmacy, the home center, hardware store, just about everywhere I go.
He loves everybody.
And Smart? He's so smart, when the sign says "WET FLOOR", he does!
Yeah, he's special!
- I have always had Elkhounds or rather they picked me and later my family I found that they are very selective about who they want to live with and thier loyalty know no limits wherever you are I will contact you I am having a hard time finding a breeding facility that meets the breeds standards I have had several males and a female the love of my wife and me also but a non genetically close male and female are what I'm looking for
- I live on 12 acres on a spring fed lake in Northern, Mn. My elk hound, died 2/2018, best dog ever. One year my 14 point buck was too tough for me to eat, an old buck that was his diet his 11th and 12th year. I sure miss him and would love another, but like my dog I got old too.
- You. Very good !
- Eu amo ver esses vídeos :)